We understand that merely having a rich product basket is not enough for our valued clients. What clients really need is a holistic platform for an entire family (or an organisation) to record, report & manage a comprehensive portfolio of holdings into multiple financial products. We are proud to offer the following highly acclaimed services to our clients.


Comprehensive Financial Consulting


Retirement Consultancy (Accumulation / Distribution)


Children’s Education Consultancy


House Purchase Consultancy


Investment Portfolio Analysis and Restructuring


Insurance Portfolio Analysis and Restructuring


Will Preparation and Succession Consultancy


NRI Investments and Taxation Consultancy


Tax Consultancy and Tax Filing Services


Financial Information & Documents Consolidation Services

Client Desk

The Client Desk is a premium offering for our clients which consolidates entire wealth/portfolio information, covering every major financial /non-financial product, for an entire family or an organization. The access to the Client Desk is given through an highly secured, unique login-id and password to every client.
The information inside the desk is updated on a daily basis and all transactions done through us are automatically updated so that clients need not make any entries. The Client Desk empowers you by keeping you updated & informed, anytime any where – through online access or through a mobile application.


One of the key challenges of managing a portfolio is to regularly monitor and adjust the portfolio on an ongoing basis as per your risk profile and in line with market movements. However, most advisors fail to do so as it involves making multiple transactions frequently in a time bound manner. We have a unique offering for our NJ E-Wealth A/c Clients called as ‘MARS’ that very effectively gives the answer to this problem.
MARS is a technology powered tool which helps in managing asset allocation through periodic rebalancing of portfolio which involves a research & logic driven scheme selection process. With two broad asset allocation offerings – Dynamic & Fixed, MARS is the answer to client worries on portfolio management.

E Wealth Account

As a client of our NJ E-Wealth A/c service you can enjoy some big, tangible benefits. You can do hassle, worry and error free transactions in a very easy, time and cost effective manner – any time, any where.

We offer easy transaction facility and few very unique services for mutual fund transactions in our NJ E-Wealth A/c service, as given below.

    • Fresh Purchase /Additional Purchase /Redemptions /Switch Transactions
    • SIP and STP registration
    • NFO – Purchase, Switch and SIP Registration

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Office Address

Office No.826, Ecstasy Business Park, Near Citi of Joy, JSD, Ashok Nagar, Mulund West,
Mumbai - 400080

Contact Us

Email: info@purplefinch.in
Contact: +91 9867570245

Purple Finch is a brand owned by Priyanka Finserve Pvt. Limited. Priyanka Finserve Pvt Ltd is a mutual fund distributor registered with AMFI.